Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Love languages 

5 Love languages

1. Words of Affirmation

“If this is your love language, you feel Most cared for when your partner is open and expressive in telling you how wonderful they think you are, how much they appreciate you, etc.”

2. Acts of Service

“If your partner offering to watch the kids so you can go to the gym (or relieving you of some other task) gets your heart going, then this is your  love language.”

3. Affection

“This love language is just as it sounds. A warmhug, a kiss, touch, and sexual intimacy make you feel  most loved when this is your love language.”

4. Quality Time

“This love language is about being together, fully present and engaged in the activity at hand, no matter  how trivial.”

5. Gifts

“Your partner taking the time to give you a gift can  make you feel appreciated.”

How to figure out your primary language:

1. Your upbringing can speak into your Love languages. How did you parents show you love glowing up? What made you feel the Most loved  as a child? There is a high probability that is your primary love language.

2. When you really want to show someone you care  about  them, what first comes to your mind  to show it? Your most basic instincts can show your primary love language as well.

3. Painful relational experiences can show your primary  love language. If someone close to you  hurt you in a deep way or neglected to show  love the way you wanted, perhaps the deep hurt/dissatisfaction came because the way  you most feel loved was not met. This means  that what they failed to do is what you value  the most because it is your primary Love language.

To discover another person's  love language, one must observe the way  they express love to others, analyze what they  complain about most often, and what they request  from their significant other most often. 

. ( Dr. Gary Chapman)

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